



BJD mushroom - 2022


Creature Doll : 13cm

Skin Standard : Amanita, Wondershroom

Skin Special : Boletus, Toxic, Pinky, Sky, Plague…

3 Faceplates + 1 mushroom hat

Eyes : 12mm


BJD mushroom:

In the forest there are many strange and unknown creatures. These little creatures hide from the humans curiosity.

We explored the wild and wooded areas at length and it was with great excitement that we discovered a new specimen of mushroom. The first time it tried to bite us to get away, but after meeting the gang of little friends who accompanied us in our pockets, it realised that we would not harm it.

He immediately made friends with Glandouille and Potelette, and of course they enjoyed playing tricks on us all together.

This is how we discovered his playful and prankster temperament. He is also a bit lazy and likes to hide under the moss at the foot of the trees to take a little nap while waiting for his friends to bring back some food. He especially likes the morning dew beads and the hallucinogenic magic dust...

But beware, he is a bit touchy, and can tend to sulk even if it never lasts very long.

Depending on where in the forest it grows, it can be very varied in colour and when they all form a circle to dance at night, they create wonderful displays of colour!



In Stock

Standard colours

« Amanita »

« Wondershroom »

Special colours

« Betelgeuse »

« Spiral »

« Chessway »

« Acorn »

« Mossy »

« Fungelette »

« Crystal »

« Candy »

« Halloween »

« Boletus »

« Toxic »

« Deathly »

« Imladris »
